Everyday Tips for Good Back Health

Although identifying the specific cause of back pain can be challenging, there are numerous steps you can take to alleviate it or prevent it from worsening. Dr. Michael Wilson of Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA, suggests the following: Modify a bit of your daily routine to help maintain a healthy back that is pain-free over the long term.

Everyday Tips for Good Back Health

Fortunately, various suggestions can help keep you pain-free. Focus on relieving pressure, protecting your spine, reducing strain, and strengthening your muscles.

  • Strengthen Your Core.

Exercise has many health benefits. As such, it is important to incorporate routine strength-training options for core muscles as this lessens the chances of back-related injuries. Start slowly and add abdominal exercises slowly to your workouts.

  • Stretching Can Help Ease Aches and Strains.

Standing, sitting, or even lying down in one place for an extended period is not natural or healthy for your back. Moving or performing simple stretches can release back strain.

  • Sleep with a Pillow Beneath Your Knees.

Back sleepers should elevate their legs to relieve back pressure. Placing a pillow beneath your knees can significantly reduce spinal pressure

  • Increase Intake of Vitamin D and Calcium.

Strong bones help prevent osteoporosis, one of the common causes of back pain, particularly for women. Consuming the following can help you get the nutrients you need for healthy bones. Note: Consult your doctor before adding supplements.

    • Calcium

      • Milk
      • Yogurt
      • Leafy greens
    • Vitamin D

      • Egg Yolks
      • Cheese

  • Adjust Footwear/Shoes

Choose comfortable footwear, which generally means low-heeled shoes - less than a 1-inch heel is best.

  • Be Mindful of Your Posture.

Good posture does more than improve your appearance – it allows the components of your spine to stay healthy and function properly. Poor posture places undue strain and stress on your back and can alter the spine's structure, so it is essential to keep your shoulders and hips even and avoid slouching

  • Sit Up Straight at Your Desk.

It’s vital to maintain good posture/back support when sitting down, especially if you do it for hours each day at work. Select a chair that offers firm low-back support.

  • Lighten Your Load.

Consistent heavy or Improper lifting ranks among the most common causes of back pain. It can happen to anyone who is lugging a suitcase, a large laptop bag, groceries, and more. Reduce or redistribute weight evenly – or use a rolling cart/bag for heavier loads.

Contact a Leading Fairfield, CA Chiropractor Today

 Remember, your back health needs are unique. For more information about back pain relief and prevention, contact Dr. Wilson or a member of Kosak Chiropractic's staff at 707-426-1111 or online.

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1252 Travis Blvd. Suite G | Fairfield, CA 94533

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm



