Why Do People Get Herniated Discs?

Dr. Michael Wilson and the team at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA, are committed to helping relieve suffering caused by herniated discs and improving general spinal health and wellness.

Why Do People Develop Herniated Discs?

You might know someone who has had a herniated disc or even had one yourself. Or you might be searching for reasons for back pain and keep running across the term “herniated disc” as a potential cause. While most people know they exist, understanding what they are and how they happen is still a mystery to some. Dr. Wilson and his team at Kosak Chiropractic of Fairfield, CA, share the basics of herniated discs below.

Understanding Spinal Discs

Every single part of your body has a role to play, and they all rely on and support other parts. The spinal discs are no different.

Discs are often described as being similar to a jelly doughnut. They have a tough outer casing that encloses a jelly-like, pliable substance. These discs sit between the bones of your back, acting as cushions and shock absorbers. They help prevent pain and injuries.

However, they sometimes develop tears in the side and the inner substance spills out. This is known as a herniated disc and often leads to other issues, such as nerve compression.

What Causes Discs to Tear?

There are several things that could lead to a tear in the disc’s casing, one of which is simply age. As you get older, the discs change and wear down, making them weaker and less able to withstand the pressure of movements. Loss of fluid can cause them to wear down as well.

Another common cause of a herniated disc is a sudden accident, such as a fall or auto collision. The sudden force of such an incident can create equally sudden pressure on the disc.

In most cases, however, regular habits, daily activities, and lifestyle factors are to blame, such as:

  • Poor posture
  • Heavy or repetitive lifting
  • Being overweight
  • Being sedentary

Factors such as these put chronic, undue stress on the discs, which causes them to wear down more quickly. Frequent driving is another common cause as both the sitting and the vibrations put undue pressure on the discs.

No matter what the cause might be, a chiropractor can help find the best course of action to improve your disc health. This is typically achieved by improving spinal alignment, relieving tension in the soft tissues, stretching and strengthening the core muscles, and addressing lifestyle factors.

Learn more about herniated discs and find freedom from your pain by calling (707) 426-1111 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Wilson at Kosak Chiropractic in Fairfield, CA.

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1252 Travis Blvd. Suite G | Fairfield, CA 94533

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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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9:00 am - 12:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

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